Senin, 22 Maret 2010

What Cake....?

I was browsing google for “soft cake” when I found this blog He’s got some recipes I’d like to try, his other blog is which also has some good recipes.

I have baked brownies, butter cake and cookies, so this time I think about baking sponge type cake, I thought about baking a chiffon type but I don’t have the cake pan. And I found this recipe from the above blog that looked delicious and easy. It’s called Japanese Cottonsoft Sponge Cake, you can find the recipe here

This cake should be baked in a 30x25cm baking tray, the same way if we’re going to bake a roll cake, it should be thin because it doesn’t have enough flour to support its weight, so we can’t put a thick batter in a small cake pan, it will sink if we do that. But I don’t have a baking tray so I thought I would just use the regular cake pan I have and bake just a thin layer.

So, I prepared the cake pan, layer it with wax paper and started making the cake. I halved the recipe, just in case I screwed up and the cake failed then it wouldn’t waste too much ingredients.

After I finished the batter, I poured it to the cake pan and when I wanted to put it in the oven I realized that the cake pan didn’t fit in the oven! Duh! Stupid me……I forgot that I only had a small sized electric oven…..T_T
I rushed and grabbed a smaller cake pan and poured the batter in, I didn’t even think about layering it with wax paper. When it was in the oven, I was thinking : how the heck will I going to get the cake out of the pan??? I didn’t layer it with wax paper, it will stuck in the pan!!! OMG…… So I started to think of another way to get the cake out without ruining the shape, then I remembered I just bought a round cookie cutter, hey…..why not cut the cake with it???

The cake came out from the oven like this

Quite nice looking and very thin, I think it was only 1 cm high. I used a cookie cutter to cut the cake.

And then stacked them in 3 layers.

I got 3 stacks and put strawberry jam on the first layer and grated cheese on the second layer.

Two of the stacks were for my MIL and hubby, I didn’t put any buttercream for health reason. The third was for me and I decorated it with green buttercream, just for fun.

This is the picture of the layers

It tasted good, though I didn’t get the texture of a cake, it was kinda like a pancake. Hahahaha. Well, I would try to make this cake again later, using the correct size of baking tray and wax paper……

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Starting Pre-School

Today is Abram's first day in pre-school.. yeaaayyyyyy!

We've chosen Kinderland for Abram because it has music lesson in kindergarten ad the facility is better.

He still looked reluctant to start his school, but there were some improvements, such as using his spoon and plate correctly, playing in a group (well, not exactly playing with other kids but at least he didn't mind being in a group =p)

Still crying in the art class, still looking at the carpet in the story-telling class....oh least he can use the spoon and plate. hehehe.....

This time , mommy still went in the classes with nanny, next time only nanny will accompany Abram.

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Imunisasi Lagi

Hari ini abram imun DPT+polio+Hib, dijadi satu semua vaksinnya dalam 1 shot, combo gitu istilahnya....

Berat badannya 11.7kg, tinggi 84cm.

Tadi nanya soal brinjilan di leher kiri Abram, dokter bilang itu kelenjar getah bening, untuk sementara blom ada dugaan2 apa2, krn Abram sehat, berat nya naik terus, ga lemes dan ga sakit2an, tapi harus terus dipantau kalo tambah gede ato berat badan ga naik2 ya baru dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut apa ada TB kelenjar ato yg lainnya.

Yah baguslah...

Perkembangan belakangan ini Abram tambah nakal, gamau diem, ga bisa lagi duduk di carseat krn bisa melepaskan diri , padahal seatbeltnya uda dipendekin biar dia ga bisa molos, eh ternyata tetep bisa. Tapi dia jg bisa ngancingin seatbeltnya, kalo ngebuka sih belum bisa.
Kalo di ranjang lomcat2an mulu ga mau brenti, kalo ga loncat2an ya dia muter2. Sampe ngos2an pun tetep aja gamau brenti.

Dan yg pasti adatnya tambah 'bagus', kalo ga dikasi apa yg dia mau langsung mewek....